There’s a new kid on the biohacking block, and its name is acetylcholine (ACh). This powerful neurotransmitter is involved in everything from memory and muscle contraction to learning and concentration. So how does this amazing neurotransmitter work?

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How acetylcholine can help athletes increase their strength and speed

There’s a new kid on the biohacking block, and its name is acetylcholine (ACh). This powerful neurotransmitter is involved in everything from memory and muscle contraction to learning and concentration.

Recent studies have shown that acetylcholine can also help athletes increase their strength and speed. In one study, subjects who took supplements containing ACh were able to bench press 12% more weight than those who didn’t. Another found that Sprinters who took ACh improved their times by 3%.

So how does this amazing neurotransmitter work? Acetylcholine increases the release of calcium from muscle cells, which in turn leads to increased muscle contraction force. It also helps to preserve nerve function, making it an essential player in both strength and speed training.

If you’re looking for a way to take your training for sports to the next level, consider adding ACh supplementation to your regime. Your muscles (and nerves) will thank you!


1. What is acetylcholine and what does it do

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that helps the body do different things like have strong and perfectly functioning muscles and run fast and explosive.

  1. ACh is produced in the brain and in the body’s muscles
  2. It helps to activate muscles and increases their strength
  3. It also helps to preserve nerve function, making it essential for both strength and speed training
  4. Supplementing with ACh can help athletes take their training to the next level

Choline and power

The B-complex family of vitamins includes the water-soluble nutrient choline. It functions as a precursor of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is essential for any serious athlete because it supports the body’s nervous system function. While developing muscular strength is a major factor in many of the advantageous adaptations you experience when you lift large objects or perform quick motions, your neurological system also has a significant impact.

Your neural system adjusts, improves, and permits your muscles to fire more powerfully. Acetylcholine is needed for these neurological modifications, but it cannot be consumed orally. To boost your strength, performance, and recuperation, you can enhance your dietary or supplement consumption of acetylcholine precursors like choline.

  1. Choline is a nutrient that is essential for human health
  2. It is found in a variety of foods, including eggs, meat, and fish
  3. Choline plays an important role in brain development and function, as well as liver health
  4. Supplementing with choline can have benefits for cognitive function and memory formation
  5. Some research suggests that choline may also help to protect against age-related cognitive decline
  6. Choline is a water-soluble vitamin and can be toxic at high doses
  7. The recommended daily intake for choline is 550 mg per day for women and 450 mg per day for men

Choline helps with generating power. It does this by helping the body produce acetylcholine, as we learned before the neurotransmitter that is involved in activating muscles and increasing their strength.

Choline and reaction time

A study published in the journal “Chemical Senses” analyzed how choline affects reaction time. The study found that subjects who received choline supplements had a quicker reaction time than those who did not. In addition, the study found that choline may help to improve cognitive function and memory formation.

The conclusion is that ACh can help athletes increase their strength and speed. It does this by increasing the release of calcium from muscle cells, leading to increased muscle contraction force. Further, choline may also help improve reaction time and cognitive function.

2. How can acetylcholine help athletes increase their strength and speed

There are a few ways athletes can increase their strength and speed. One is by supplementing with acetylcholine, as this neurotransmitter helps to activate muscles and increases their strength. Another is by ensuring they are getting enough choline in their diet, as this nutrient plays an important role in brain development and function. And acts as a precursor to ACh. Additionally, athletes can try to improve their reaction time through activities like practising mindfulness or doing puzzle games and play reactive games.

3. How to increase your acetylcholine levels

There are a couple of things you can do to help increase the amount of ACh in your body. One is to eat foods that contain choline, like eggs, meat, and fish. You can also take supplements that contain ACh. Furthermore, you can try activities like meditation or yoga, which have been shown to help increase acetylcholine levels. Finally, regular exercise (strength training and other athletic endeavours) has also been linked to increased ACh levels.

Always start with your diet to make sure you’re getting all the vital vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your body needs to function at its peak. According to research, boosting your dietary choline consumption is a successful strategy for raising your body’s ACh levels.

Adding more whole eggs to your diet is the quickest way to increase your dietary choline intake. If you’re an “egg-white only” athlete, it’s time to start reintroducing the yolks because each egg yolk contains a staggering 100 mg of choline. Organ meat is the next best option. Choline content in the beef liver is roughly 250 mg per 3 oz. Amazingly, one of the foods with the highest nutrient density is organ meat.

4. The benefits of acetylcholine for athletes

Despite the fact that most athletes are familiar with using creatine and protein supplements to assist intensive training, cholinergic precursors like choline or alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine (A-GPC) may have the potential to unlock considerable increases in strength.

Supplementing with acetylcholine can help athletes take their training to the next level. The neurotransmitter is essential for activating muscles and increasing their strength. It also helps to preserve nerve function, making it an important supplement for both strength and speed training. Additionally, ACh can help improve reaction time and cognition.

Heavy strength training can cause ACh levels to go down, so make sure to increase choline levels through supplementation ad nutrition when working out.

5. Foods that contain acetylcholine

  • Choline
  • Beef
  • Pork
  • Turkey
  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Eggs

Pasteurization kills almost all choline, so if you can, consume raw dairy products instead.


6. Supplements that contain acetylcholine

There are a variety of supplements that contain acetylcholine. These supplements help to increase the amount of this neurotransmitter in the body, leading to several benefits for both cognitive function and physical performance. Some of the most popular supplements that contain acetylcholine include

Alpha GPC (alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine)

Alpha-GPC can penetrate the blood-brain barrier and transform into phosphorylcholine, which can subsequently be used as a source of choline for the production of acetylcholine.

Additionally, some studies suggest that it may enhance cerebral function when compared to a placebo, especially when high dosages of alpha-gpc (1000–1200 mg) are used in patients with cognitive decline.

In terms of its ability to improve performance, acetylcholine is in charge of the action potential that prompts a muscle to contract. On the basis of this, it is thought that taking supplements of alpha-gpc (or another nutrient that increases acetylcholine) may improve performance through enhanced muscle contraction, which results in increased power and strength output.

That theory has not yet been completely explained, but two recent trials using dietary supplements containing 300 mg or 150 mg of alpha-GPC found benefits in vertical reaction time and speed.

CDP Choline (citicoline)

A different and particularly well-liked type of supplemental choline, particularly among people who experiment with nootropics and mental performance, is CDP-choline (citicoline).

Another highly accessible choline molecule that easily crosses the blood-brain barrier is CDP-choline. Given that it contains just about 18% choline by weight, you could think that it is less efficient than choline bitartrate or even alpha-gpc. Cdp-choline breaks into cytidine and choline during digestion, though.

Cytidine is a building block of RNA and is used by the body to make uridine, a chemical that stimulates DNA repair and cell proliferation. Additionally, uridine might support receptor-level dopamine activity stabilisation.

In addition, uridine aids in neuron repair and is required for the synthesis of the phosphatidylcholine (PC) found in neuron membranes.

Huperzine A

Huperzine A is a natural supplement that can help to increase ACh levels in the brain. It is derived from Huperzia serrata, a plant that is native to Asia. Huperzine A works by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which breaks down acetylcholine. This helps to keep ACh levels high, which can improve memory and cognitive function. Huperzine A is a popular supplement for students and athletes, who need to be able to remember and learn new information quickly and efficiently. It is also useful for athletes who need to react quickly to changing situations. Huperzine A can be purchased online or at health food stores.


DMAE is a natural supplement that can help increase acetylcholine levels in the brain. It is derived from eggs, milk, and soy lecithin. DMAE works by helping the body produce more acetylcholine. This can lead to improved cognitive function, memory, and learning ability. Additionally, DMAE can help reduce the risk of age-related memory loss and improve brain function in seniors. It is also useful for athletes who need to remember and learn new information quickly and efficiently. CDP-Choline

Choline Citrate

Choline Citrate is a natural supplement that can help to increase ACh satiation in the brain. It is derived from eggs, milk, and soy lecithin. Choline Citrate works by helping the body produce more acetylcholine. This can lead to improved cognitive function, memory, and learning ability. Additionally, Choline Citrate can help reduce the risk of age-related memory loss and improve brain function in seniors.


Acetyl-L-Carnitine is a natural supplement that can help increase ACh in the brain. It is derived from eggs, milk, and soy lecithin. Acetyl-L-Carnitine works by helping the body produce more acetylcholine. This can lead to improved cognitive function, memory, and learning ability. Additionally, Acetyl-L-Carnitine can help reduce the risk of age-related memory loss and improve brain function in seniors.


Lecithin is a type of phospholipid that is found in all cells in the body. It is important for cell function and helps to maintain the health of cell membranes. Lecithin can be obtained from food sources, or it can be taken as a supplement. Lecithin supplements are popular among people who want to improve their cognitive function and memory.

Here are again a couple of ways to increase acetylcholine and choline levels naturally

  • Eat a diet rich in choline and other B vitamins
  • Exercise regularly
  • Practice meditation or yoga
  • Engage in activities that enhance cognitive function, like puzzles, chess, or sudoku.

7. Acetylcholine and the nervous system

ACh is a neurotransmitter that helps the body to produce power. It does this by helping to activate muscles and increase their strength. It also plays an important role in preserving general nerve function. Without adequate ACh the electrical signals that carry information to and from your muscles would be weakened. This can lead to impaired CNS functions and diminish cognitive performance.



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8. Acetylcholine and muscle contraction

When you use your muscles, acetylcholine helps make them work better. It does this by making it easier for calcium to leave the cells in your muscles. When more calcium leaves the cells, the muscle can contract more forcefully. This helps the muscle generate more power, which leads to improved performance. Acetylcholine also helps to regulate nerve impulses, which can help improve reaction time.

9. Acetylcholine and memory formation

Acetylcholine is important for memory formation because it helps to activate the parts of the brain responsible for learning and memory. Additionally, acetylcholine helps to preserve nerve function, which is necessary for memory storage and retrieval. By increasing acetylcholine levels, you can improve your memory and cognitive performance. This is especially true for athletes, who rely on quick reaction times and a sharp memory to perform at their best.

10. Acetylcholine and learning ability

When we learn something, acetylcholine helps by making it easier for the brain to remember. This is because acetylcholine helps to keep the nerve cells working well. It also makes it easier for the brain to understand new things. Exercise and activities that help your brain work better, like puzzles, can help increase your acetylcholine levels and improve your learning ability.

11. Side effects of too much acetylcholine

Too much acetylcholine can cause several side effects, including

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • excessive sweating
  • headache
  • increased heart rate
  • increased blood pressure
  • difficulty breathing

12. Dosage recommendations for athletes

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how much acetylcholine an athlete should take. The dosage will vary depending on the individual and the specific goals that they are trying to achieve. However, as a general rule, athletes should start with a lower dose and increase it gradually until they find the level that works best for them. Too much acetylcholine can cause a number of side effects, so it is important to be careful and start with a low dose to see how your body reacts.

13. Acetylcholine and strength sports

Strength sports athletes can benefit from acetylcholine supplements because they help the muscles produce more power. This can lead to improved performance. Additionally, acetylcholine helps to activate the parts of the brain responsible for learning and memory. This can help athletes remember the techniques they have learned and improve their learning ability.

14. Acetylcholine and speed sports

Speed sports athletes can benefit from acetylcholine supplements because they help the muscles work faster. This can lead to improved speed performance. Additionally, acetylcholine helps, as mentioned above, to regulate nerve impulses, which can help improve reaction time. This is essential for speed sports like track and field events, martial arts, or skiing.


Acetylcholine and Endurance sports

Endurance athletes can also benefit from acetylcholine supplements because they help improve muscle endurance. This can lead to higher performance for longer periods. Also, acetylcholine helps to regulate nerve impulses, which can help reduce the risk of fatigue and exhaustion. This is essential for endurance sports like long-distance running and cycling.


To summarize this article, acetylcholine is a chemical messenger that plays an important role in regulating nerve impulses and muscle functions. It is essential for both speed and endurance sports, as it helps improve reaction time and muscle endurance. For athletes looking to maximize their performance, there are natural supplements that can help increase levels of acetylcholine in the brain. These supplements include Huperzine A, Alpha GPC, DMAE, Choline Citrate, and Acetyl-L-Carnitine. All of these can help to improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of age-related memory loss in seniors. However, it is important to talk with your doctor before taking any of these supplements to ensure that they are safe for you.

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